Total Medals Earned: 3,081 (From 512 different games.) Total Medal Score: 58,270 Points
Medals Earned: 1/3 (10/160 points)
throw 100 hadoukens
defeat all large enemies
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 5/24 (25/500 points)
Complete level 1
Complete level 2
Complete level 3
Complete level 4
Complete level 5
Complete level 6
Complete level 7
Complete level 10
Complete level 11
Complete level 12
Complete level 13
Complete level 14
Complete level 15
Complete level 16
Complete level 8
Complete level 9
Complete level 17
Complete level 18
Complete level 19
Complete level 21
Complete level 20
Complete level 22
Complete level 23
Complete level 24
Medals Earned: 3/7 (25/120 points)
Finish world 1
Finish world 2
Finish world 3
Finish world 4
Beat the final boss
Collect all the coins and unlock the secret ending
Medals Earned: 4/18 (30/465 points)
Send an enemy hurtling down a pit
Complete Adventurer's Training and go forth into Talesworth
Complete 4 forest rooms with a Gold score
Obtain the Ebon Horn artifact from the Forest
Obtain the Ivory Tooth artifact from the Mountains
Complete 4 mountain rooms with a Gold score
Complete a room with less tools than Gold requires
Collect 17 gems
Obtain the Diamond artifact from the Caves
Complete 4 cave rooms with a Gold score
Complete all the Bonus Rooms
Complete all the forest rooms with a Gold score
Collect all 34 gems
Complete all the cave rooms with a Gold score
Complete all the mountain rooms with a Gold score
Destroy Boneyard, make Questy rich, and save Talesworth!
Complete 4 catacomb rooms with a Gold score
Complete all the catacomb rooms with a Gold score
Medals Earned: 1/2 (5/10 points)
You have the power!
You've found Don Ramon!
Medals Earned: 5/15 (95/405 points)
Nuke more than 20 enemies at once
Beat the game
Get a multiplier on a boss
Kill 1000 enemies
Beat the game without continuing
Have an attraction beam live for 15+ seconds
Beat the game with one missile still left on the screen
Get a full planet
Get hit after destroying exactly 30 enemies without getting hit
Get a chain of 10+
Heal an enemy ship
Have a spike at the end of the game
Beat the game using exactly 2 nukes and have ones leftover at the end
Get 5 spikes on the planet at once
Convert a boss into a spike
Medals Earned: 6/9 (105/355 points)
Terrible Game
Bad Game
Good Game
Nice Game
Great Game
Perfect Game
Medals Earned: 3/5 (300/500 points)
Complete the main game.
Buy all of the upgrades.
Kill each type of Dinosaur at least once.
Have more than 20 arrows on screen at once.
Kill the final boss in under 20 seconds.
Medals Earned: 14/14 (400/400 points)
Beat the shit outa your axe with the A.T.P. agent.
Beat the shit outa the A.T.P. agent with your axe.
Rip the first dude's head off.
Perform The Beast's signature smiley fatality.
Shotgun rape the first guy.
Medals Earned: 8/12 (160/295 points)
Decide to play the game.
Visit the disco zone three times because you love to dance.
Try to bribe Big Frank too early.
Collect a piece of fine carpet when your boss isn't looking.
Talk to every potential inventory item before collecting it.
Give your presentation while Gilda is topless.
Figure out the only way to die in the game.
Try to grab all the tables.
Finish the game in under 2 minutes.